power of attorney

  • 1. Appointment: Applicants MUST book an appointment online prior to coming to the Consulate. Clients with no prior appointments will not be serviced. For booking an appointment please click on this link.
    2. Visit In-person: The applicant(s) and ALL the witnesses MUST be present at the Consulate on the date and time of the appointment along with the application form and required documents.
    3. Application Form: Clients should fill the applications in Dari or Pashto carefully.
    Special attention to names, dates, figures and places are required. The application should clearly mention the subject of the Power of Attorney and the limits of the authorities of the Attorney. Forms can be downloaded here.

    4. Required Documents and witnesses: Please read the information below carefully and prepare for your appointment accordingly. The following persons and documents MUST be present in the Consulate during your appointment.

    A. Power of Attorney for Marriage Certificate:
    One of the spouses (husband or wife), who lives in Germany MUST visit the Consulate with:
    - A request letter outlining the services required and providing information on the date and place of marriage;
    - A copy of Tazkira and valid Passport and Copy of German Residence Permit.
    - Two recent photos (size: 3x4 cm);
    II). Two witnesses (adult& male) with their copies of Tazkira or Afghan Passports and two recent photos (size: 3x4 cm); Copy of German Residence Permit.
     III). Copy of Tazkira and photo of the Attorney/Legal Representative in Afghanistan.

    B. All other Types of Power of Attorney:
    . All the client/s with copy of their Tazkira or Afghan Passports with two recent photos (size: 3x4 cm); Copy of German Residence Permit.
    II). Two witnesses with their copies of their Tazkira of Afghan passport and two recent photos (size: 3x4 cm); Copy of German Residence Permit.
    III). Attorney/Legal Representative: Copy of Tazkira or Passport and 2 photos of the legal representative, who will be in Afghanistan or other countries as needed.
    IV). In property related cases, if the property is inherited, a copy of the Certificate of Inheritance, and a copy of the proof of property’s ownership (Sale Deed/ Qabala) or its details are needed.

    Fees: 300 Euro

    Note: If the Power of Attorney is meant for the claims or counter claims at the courts, the Attorney should be a Licensed Lawyer or the Immediate Family (Ascendant/descendant or descendant of the same ascendance line) of the client.

    Please bring along all necessary documents and photographs at the time of your appointment. The Consulate does not have printing and copying facilities for its clients.

    Contact details:
    : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
    Phone: +4989255523030